Rigicell Filter Foam has a medium-density feel and provides a good filter solution for air conditioning, regular vacuum cleaners, air conditioning, hairdryers, furnace-OEM-replacement, and dust bag collectors for homes, schools, and industrial buildings. Its open pores provide high airflow while trapping dust and other harmful particals from coming in.
Some of the uses of Reticulated Polyester products are:
-Air Filtration
-Shoe Polish and Cosmetic Applicators
-Matrix for Ceramic Filtration
- Medical Applications
You can also be used for small engines, air compressors, motel unit ventilators, oil-mist eliminators, automotive air cleaner, high dust holding capacity filters in central heating and A/C systems
It is a good foam to separate water from gasoline, perchloroethylene, and jet fuel.
It can reduce noises in the microwave, aircraft, and other industrial machines.
If you have any leftover pieces of this foam, you can use them as floor scrubbing pads, lint-free wipers, blackboard erasers, and paintbrush applicators.
Available Thickness: 1/2", 3/4" , 1', 1-1/2", 2"
Available Sizes:
49” x 72”
24-1/2” x 72”
24-1/2 x 36”
Regicell filter foam is a pore controlled polyester foam with a defined and uniform pore size. The number of pores is defined in PPI (pores per linear inch). The cell membranes are completely removed by an additional reticulation process. The completely open pore structure gives extremely good flow characteristics.
Temperature resistance: -40 to 212 F (293F for short periods)
All Polinazell and Regicell Products are certified UL-900 Class 2 FMVSS 302
Test Method
Typical Results
Density (pcf)
ASTM D 3574
CFDD @ 25% (psi)
ASTM D 3574
Tensile Strength (psi)
ASTM D 3574
20 minimum
Elongation (%)
ASTM D 3574
160 minimum
Pore Count (PPI)
Visual Comparison


This listing is for 30 ppi (Medium-Small Cells)