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    Bass Traps


    Bass traps acoustic foam absorbers will minimize standing waves and flutter echoes. The design prevents unwanted reflections and enriches sonic conditions on a comprehensive scale. Acoustic bass absorbers can be use for mastering rooms, home entertainment rooms and concert halls.

    SKU: Bass Traps

    Bass absorbers dampen low frequency sound waves by reducing their resonance in rooms. The design prevents unwanted reflections and enriches sonic conditions on a comprehensive scale. Mastering rooms, home entertainment rooms and concert halls are but some of the many spaces in which bass absorbers enhance sound quality. Install the Bass traps next to each other for a flawless look and are a popular choice for sound control in industrial environments. You can expect a full line of high-quality acoustical foams, barrier composites, and sound-absorbing materials. In addition to providing a full range of standard stock items, we are able to manufacture a wide range of different composites.

    APPLICATIONS: Residential, Commercial, and Industrial

    Lengths: 24”, 48" lengths are also available please contact us for details. 

    Available Sizes: 6", 8", 10", 12", 14"

    Bass absorbers dampen low frequency sound waves by reducing their resonance in rooms. The design prevents unwanted reflections and enriches sonic conditions on a comprehensive scale. Mastering rooms, home entertainment rooms and concert halls are but some of the many spaces in which bass absorbers enhance sound quality. Install the Bass traps next to each other for a flawless look and are a popular choice for sound control in industrial environments. You can expect a full line of high-quality acoustical foams, barrier composites, and sound-absorbing materials. In addition to providing a full range of standard stock items, we are able to manufacture a wide range of different composites.

    APPLICATIONS: Residential, Commercial, and Industrial

    Lengths: 24”, 48" lengths are also available please contact us for details. 

    Available Sizes: 6", 8", 10", 12", 14"

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